Firenze Creativa

A platform dedicated to the creative energies of the territory

What is Firenze Creativa (Creative Florence)?

it is a platform devoted to all the energies in our region known around the world as the cradle of creativity

Firenze Creativa is the website that brings the creative entities of the Florentine Metropolitan Area online. The project, promoted by the Comune di Firenze and put in place with the cooperation of Artex, has the goal of reviewing the actors , the places, the activities and the projects that are the supporting structure of the community. As registered member, uploading content and photos, you will be able to describe your creative activity. This is a community to refer to in order to build shared itineraries and projects that enhance the productive fabric of the city and that allow at the same time the building of synergies through events and ideas on the territory.

"A permanent dedicated platform by the local administration and to which all the leading figures of the world of handicraft will take part. A way to be able to browse, all year long on a map, the creative entities of our city that can then be identified by citizens and tourists who are looking for the Florentine artisans and of the various training centers"

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